Pilgrimage – Into the Mission Field of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Every year some 20 million pilgrims visit the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Many hear her call, “Am I not here, I, who am your Mother?.” Few are able to see the fruits of the call. At Villa de Las Niñas, in Chalco, Mexico, just 40 kilometers to the south, the Sisters of Mary are the embodiment of Our Lady of Guadalupe, wrapping some of the poorest girls in Mexico in their embrace.

Join us to witness both the beauty of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the fruits of her nurturing motherhood at Villa de Las Niñas. The video here shares the experience of a few pilgrims who have recently attended this inspiring pilgrimage. 


Learn more about the children

The children at our schools come from the poorest of the poor. Each child has their own stories of what their life was before coming to our schools and how their lives are being transformed by the Sisters of Mary programs.  Read the moving stories of our children in their own words. 

Meet Our Graduates

There are 160,000+  graduates from the Sisters of Mary Schools. Many of our graduates went on to live prosperous lives, helping their families and local communities. Read the inspiring stories of our graduates in their own words. 

Life At Our Villages

Learn more about how we help children break free from a life of poverty.