Papal Foundation Women’s Pilgrimage and Retreat


Thursday,  November 9 – Monday, November 13, 2023


See the fruits of Our Lady at the Sisters of Mary Girlstown in Chalco, Mexico, where they serve the Lord with Joy!

Pilgrimage includes:

  • Visit the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico City
  • Visit and Retreat with Father Dan Leary at the Sisters of Mary, Chalco Mexico Girlstown
  • Welcome dinner Thursday night at hotel
  • Accommodations and meals in our comfortable retreat house Villa Aloysius, arriving Friday and staying through Monday morning
  • Daily Mass, an opportunity for Holy Hour and Confession
  • Transportation in Mexico beginning Friday morning through drop off at the airport Monday at 2:00 PM Local time
  • Medical insurance
  • Interactions and fellowship with the Sisters and the students of Girlstown, home to 3,000 girls!
  • Pilgrimage travel fee $720 pp/land only (airfare is the responsibility of the individual)
  • You are responsible for your hotel reservation on Thursday night and Monday, if desired. We suggest the Camino Real Hotel Aeropuerto which is attached to the airport terminal by a covered walkway
  • Escorted by representatives from the Papal Foundation and the Sisters of Mary World Villages for Children beginning Thursday at dinner through Tuesday morning.

Sisters of Mary World Villages for Children

  • 21,000 children experiencing poverty

  • 19 sites in 6 countries

  • 400 Sisters serving the poor with joy

Learn more about the children

The children at our schools come from the poorest of the poor. Each child has their own stories of what their life was before coming to our schools and how their lives are being transformed by the Sisters of Mary programs.  Read the moving stories of our children in their own words. 

Meet Our Graduates

There are 160,000+  graduates from the Sisters of Mary Schools. Many of our graduates went on to live prosperous lives, helping their families and local communities. Read the inspiring stories of our graduates in their own words. 

Life At Our Villages

Learn more about how we help children break free from a life of poverty.